Chemical-Free Lawn & Garden Care
July 29, 2023 – Lynda DeWitt
The trick to having a healthy lawn is not a trick at all. It is Sust’s business model. We mow high, which encourages root growth and helps shade out weed seeds. We let clippings lie as they quickly break down and fertilize the soil. We reseed bare spots to keep weeds from moving in.
We, of course, do all this with emission-free electric equipment. Not using gasoline-powered machines is also healthier for your yard, your pets, and the planet.
Like gas-powered machines, pesticides and herbicides have no place in a healthy landscape. That is why Sust is a “chemical-free” lawn and garden care company. The evidence is clear: Pesticides and herbicides harm bees and other beneficial insects, birds, and even our children.
Here are other chemical-free ways we encourage our customers to care for their outdoor spaces:

The author sets out clean birdhouses each spring to attract chickadees, seen here, and wrens. Both species feast on flies, spiders, beetles, moths, and many other insects.
Let Birds Do Insect Control
Cardinals, chickadees, woodpeckers, wrens, and many of our local birds feed on beetles, aphids, and other insects that damage our plants. Provide nesting boxes and/or cover and water to attract our flying friends.
Let Native Plants Attract Beneficial Insects
The majority of insects are not considered pests. In fact, many insects, such as lacewings and ladybugs, feed on insect pests. To attract these beneficial insects, plant sunflowers, clover, goldenrod, asters, beebalm, wild bergamot, and other natives.
Use Boiling Water on Poison Ivy
Pour boiling water on your unwanted poison ivy. In two or three dousings, the plant or patch should die back.
Use Vinegar on Patio Weeds
Spray vinegar on weeds popping up between the bricks or pavers of your patio. This is a fast, safe, and effective way to clear your outdoor space, but make sure you don’t spray near any plants you want to keep.

Wild Bergamot (Monarda fistulosa) attracts pollinators and hummingbirds as well as wasps and beetles that feed on the stinkbug and other pests.
Get Rid of Mosquitoes by Getting Rid of Standing Water
Check your property weekly for water that may have collected in toys, buckets, tires, and elsewhere. Change the water in your birdbath at least once a week. And don’t forget to clean your gutters where water can collect and mosquitoes can breed.
Sust can help you avoid using chemicals on your lawn and garden. Let us mow your lawn, plant natives in your garden beds, spray vinegar on your patio weeds, and clean your gutters.
Call 301-450-7878 or email us today!